Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Personal Rating Scale: I would give this movie an 8 out of ten 10 stars. The film was exciting to watch because one never knew when someone would get killed. I would advice not having the music too loud the first time viewing; it startled many of us especially the second stabbing.
Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock is an American black and white horror movie produced in 1960. Alfred Hitchcock was unique in his directing. I personally enjoyed the film because it was quite unpredictable. I knew as I was watching that Norman Bates was an odd character and was probably somehow involved in the killing. "Oh, we have 12 vacancies. 12 cabins, 12 vacancies" (Norman Bates). If no one went to his hotel, why would he keep it running? He was a psycho. He was very attached to his mother and in his mind he acted out both himself and his mother. When his mother's side would take over, she would become an overprotective mother and kill people. The reason she (actually Norman Bates) killed Marion was because Norman felt attracted to her and Norman's mother side did not like that.

Another aspect of the movie was how the main character in the beginning of the movie had suddenly died as she was taking a shower. It was so unexpected because in almost all movies the main character, or the character that the camera is mostly on, doesn't suddenly die in the middle of the movie. It was very unexpected and it left the rest of the movie more entertaining to watch and try to figure out the mystery on who was behind the killing.
Another interesting thought is how minor the thievery of forty thousand dollars seemed compared to Norman Bates and his psycho brain. The beginning and the thievery and run away of Marion could have been its own movie without Norman Bates. It was kind of like a story in a story. I was expecting the movie to end with Marion trying to resolve her crime and return to Phoenix. She never had the chance to. "And the forty thousand dollars? Who got that?" ( Sheriff Al Chambers).

Special Thanks to:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. Great closing quote. Good use of photos.
