Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Graduate

Personal Rating Scale: Very funny and well acted. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10 stars.

Mike Nichols directed the The Graduate in 1967 and gives good insight to what life was like in the 1960s. The genre of The Graduate is a comedy/ romance.  "Ben, this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked."- Mr. Robinson. "Oh, it's not. It's completely baked." - Ben. I thought this quote was hilarious and it has a sort of double meaning to it. Ben's plan to marry Elain seemed half thought out and the reason he chooses "half-baked" instead of anything else shows how common smoking was in the 1960s.
The 1960s were also a time when people didn't respect marriage as much as it should be. The quote on the right picture is an example of how the 1960s were. The general attitude in the 1960s was very lax and a time of rebeling. Rebeling against almost anything ranging from your parents to the government.

"Oh no, Mrs. Robinson. I think, I think you're the most attractive of all my parents' friends. I mean that." -Ben
The acting was hilarious especially by Dustin Hoffman who acted out Ben Braddock. Many quotes by Ben including the one above really keeps the viewer wanting to see what he will say next. Ben has a socially awkward personality and often said things that didn't necessarily fit in.
The movie ends on a funny, happy note. Ben finds Elain at the church and begs her to come to him. Elain, makes a rather rash decision, and chooses to run after him out of the church. They get on a bus unsure of were it will lead, unsure of were their lives will go next, but they knew one thing for sure that they would go together.

Special Thanks to:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. I suggest adding or crafting a quote into your opening and closing. Good personal voice.
