Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Simpsons Movie

Hey everybody, I found one! The government actually found someone we're looking for! YEAH, BABY, YEAH! -NSA worker

Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility so it's borrowing some of mine.
-Tom Hanks

I was elected to *lead*, not to *read*. Number Three! -President Schwartzenegger
 Stop, in the name of American squeamishness! -Chief Wiggum
Freedom and justise for most. (written on a banner)
If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico! -Krusty the Clown
Black? That's the worst color there is. -Lenny
Smithers...I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it, it might cheer me up to watch. -Montgomery Burns

I've spent my entire life doing nothing but collecting comic books... and now there's only time to say...LIFE WELL SPENT! -Comic Book Guy
This book doesn't have any answers! -Homer
How ya doin'? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus. -Homer Simpson

"Harry Plopper"

"Nome sweet nome"
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Graduate

Personal Rating Scale: Very funny and well acted. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10 stars.

Mike Nichols directed the The Graduate in 1967 and gives good insight to what life was like in the 1960s. The genre of The Graduate is a comedy/ romance.  "Ben, this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked."- Mr. Robinson. "Oh, it's not. It's completely baked." - Ben. I thought this quote was hilarious and it has a sort of double meaning to it. Ben's plan to marry Elain seemed half thought out and the reason he chooses "half-baked" instead of anything else shows how common smoking was in the 1960s.
The 1960s were also a time when people didn't respect marriage as much as it should be. The quote on the right picture is an example of how the 1960s were. The general attitude in the 1960s was very lax and a time of rebeling. Rebeling against almost anything ranging from your parents to the government.

"Oh no, Mrs. Robinson. I think, I think you're the most attractive of all my parents' friends. I mean that." -Ben
The acting was hilarious especially by Dustin Hoffman who acted out Ben Braddock. Many quotes by Ben including the one above really keeps the viewer wanting to see what he will say next. Ben has a socially awkward personality and often said things that didn't necessarily fit in.
The movie ends on a funny, happy note. Ben finds Elain at the church and begs her to come to him. Elain, makes a rather rash decision, and chooses to run after him out of the church. They get on a bus unsure of were it will lead, unsure of were their lives will go next, but they knew one thing for sure that they would go together.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Personal Rating Scale: I would give this movie an 8 out of ten 10 stars. The film was exciting to watch because one never knew when someone would get killed. I would advice not having the music too loud the first time viewing; it startled many of us especially the second stabbing.
Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock is an American black and white horror movie produced in 1960. Alfred Hitchcock was unique in his directing. I personally enjoyed the film because it was quite unpredictable. I knew as I was watching that Norman Bates was an odd character and was probably somehow involved in the killing. "Oh, we have 12 vacancies. 12 cabins, 12 vacancies" (Norman Bates). If no one went to his hotel, why would he keep it running? He was a psycho. He was very attached to his mother and in his mind he acted out both himself and his mother. When his mother's side would take over, she would become an overprotective mother and kill people. The reason she (actually Norman Bates) killed Marion was because Norman felt attracted to her and Norman's mother side did not like that.

Another aspect of the movie was how the main character in the beginning of the movie had suddenly died as she was taking a shower. It was so unexpected because in almost all movies the main character, or the character that the camera is mostly on, doesn't suddenly die in the middle of the movie. It was very unexpected and it left the rest of the movie more entertaining to watch and try to figure out the mystery on who was behind the killing.
Another interesting thought is how minor the thievery of forty thousand dollars seemed compared to Norman Bates and his psycho brain. The beginning and the thievery and run away of Marion could have been its own movie without Norman Bates. It was kind of like a story in a story. I was expecting the movie to end with Marion trying to resolve her crime and return to Phoenix. She never had the chance to. "And the forty thousand dollars? Who got that?" ( Sheriff Al Chambers).

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ben Hur

File:Ben-Hur (Klaw & Erlanger) crop.jpg
Socractic Discussion on Ben Hur can heard by following this link:

Citzen Kane

Personal Rating Scale: I would give this film a 7 out of 10 star. The film was entertaining to watch because it kept the viewer trying to find the missing pieces to the film such as the meaning of “Rosebud”.

Citizen Kane directed by and starring Orson Welles, is a drama/mystery that came out in 1941.The movie contains a lot of symbolism and shows viewers that a man can waste his life trying to regain his childhood. Citizen Kane is chosen by critics as their number one choice. As I watched the movie, I had the question in the back of my mind: Why do critics choose it as their number one choice? I think the reason critics like it so much is because of how the movie was told. The movie was basically a bunch of reporters interviewing people looking for the meaning of the word “Rosebud”. It was not just one person’s view on who Mr. Kane was but it was of many people’s views. The movie tells a lesson, shows symbolism, and is told in a different way than most movies.

The movie begins and viewers are immediately shown the death of an extremely wealthy man named Charles Foster Kane. As the movie continues, I was not in question of how he died but I wanted to know who he was. Early on in the movie, viewers see Kane taken from his parents. The movie continues on showing how he amassed all of his wealth as a newspaper tycoon. Mr. Kane was never interested in money. His ambitions in life were to regain what he lost from his childhood.

The symbol of rosebud is shown at the end of the movie and it reveals that the name of the sled from his childhood. He was taken away from that sled and his parents at a young age and was constantly struggling to obtain it throughout his life. This struggle led to many selfish acts. He was a man who believed in equality and he wanted to help the poor people. The thing that destroyed him was he wouldn’t carry his beliefs out and never gave anything away. He only looked to buy things for people so they would give him their love.

Memorable Quotes:

“Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Switzerland... he was thrown out of a lot of colleges.” –Bernstein

“You know, Mr. Bernstein, if I hadn't been very rich, I might have been a really great man.” –Charles Foster Kane

”You're right; I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars *next* year. You know, Mr. Thatcher, at the rate of a million dollars a year, I'll have to close this place in... 60 years. -Charles Foster Kane

“He happens to be the president, Charles, not you.” –Emily

“Love! You don't love anybody! Me or anybody else! You want to be loved - that's all you want! I'm Charles Foster Kane. Whatever you want - just name it and it's yours! Only love me! Don't expect me to love you.” –Susan Alexander

“You don't care about anything except you. You just want to persuade people that you love 'em so much that they ought to love you back. Only you want love on your own terms. Something to be played your way, according to your rules.” –Leland

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