Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Good ,the Bad and the Ugly

This is a Spaghetti Western film made in 1966. This movie portrays most of what the "Western" genre is all about. So if you are curious about which movie would best depict the "Western" genre, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly does the best job of it. What is odd about the movie is that it was made as satire of Western movies and yet it is rated best in the Western genre. I would personally give this movie an 8 out of 10 stars. It was very slow paced at times which is probably why many would rate it poorly, but I thought it was entertaining to watch.

One of the main actors in the film is Clint Eastwood who plays as "The Good" or "Blondie". At certain times in the movie it is difficult to put blondie as being good or bad. In the beginning, we see him capturing a crook or "The Ugly" to collect bounty money. Then later as "The Ugly" is about to be hanged he shoots the rope to free the crook. The two of them sceme to collect more bounty money which seems very snide and not a "good" act. The second time Tuco is freed blondie leaves him in the desert and gives him no money which is yet again another not so "good" act. He has the most good than the other two characters.

Tuco or "The Ugly" scemes to get revenge on blondie. He manages to get a revolver and a group of three men which he promises to give them money in return for their service. The three men get shot by blondie and Tuco enters through the window in surprise and captures blondie. "There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window" -Tuco.

Nevertheless as blondie is about to be hanged a cannon saves him.
The third character in the film is "The Bad" or Angel Eyes. Personally, the first time I saw him I could tell he was evil. What with his mustache and evil eyes. Very ironic is that he would be called Angel Eyes and he is no such angel. His bad acts range from beating women to plotting to get the buried money from Bill Carson. Every act he does seems sneaky and untrustworthy. "Oh I almost forgot. He payed me a thousand. I think his idea was that I kill you" -Angel Eyes.

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Shawshank Redemption

Follow the link below for our film studies class at Perham High School socratic discussion

Friday, May 11, 2012

Cinema Paradiso

My life at PHS
Perham High School

Outside PHS

The Stairs

The Hall

Senior Hall

My Top Ten Movies

1) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
2) To Kill a Mockingbird
3) The Shawshank Redemption
4) Caddy Shack
5) V for Vendetta
6) Citizen Kane
7) The Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
8) The Dark Night
9) Halloween
10) The Kid

Rating Scale

My rating scale is based on a 10 point scale.
A movie getting a 10 means the movie is best all around based on acting and quality.
A score of 9 means it is very close to being the best.
A score of 8 is still a really good movie but could have been better.
A score of 7 means about an average movie.
A score of 6 is a little better than the worst movie.
A score of 5 or less means it is a poorly made movie.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Simpsons Movie

Hey everybody, I found one! The government actually found someone we're looking for! YEAH, BABY, YEAH! -NSA worker

Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility so it's borrowing some of mine.
-Tom Hanks

I was elected to *lead*, not to *read*. Number Three! -President Schwartzenegger
 Stop, in the name of American squeamishness! -Chief Wiggum
Freedom and justise for most. (written on a banner)
If you can find a greasier sandwich, you're in Mexico! -Krusty the Clown
Black? That's the worst color there is. -Lenny
Smithers...I don't believe in suicide, but if you'd like to try it, it might cheer me up to watch. -Montgomery Burns

I've spent my entire life doing nothing but collecting comic books... and now there's only time to say...LIFE WELL SPENT! -Comic Book Guy
This book doesn't have any answers! -Homer
How ya doin'? Peace be with you. Praise Jebus. -Homer Simpson

"Harry Plopper"

"Nome sweet nome"
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Graduate

Personal Rating Scale: Very funny and well acted. I would give this movie a 9 out of 10 stars.

Mike Nichols directed the The Graduate in 1967 and gives good insight to what life was like in the 1960s. The genre of The Graduate is a comedy/ romance.  "Ben, this whole idea sounds pretty half-baked."- Mr. Robinson. "Oh, it's not. It's completely baked." - Ben. I thought this quote was hilarious and it has a sort of double meaning to it. Ben's plan to marry Elain seemed half thought out and the reason he chooses "half-baked" instead of anything else shows how common smoking was in the 1960s.
The 1960s were also a time when people didn't respect marriage as much as it should be. The quote on the right picture is an example of how the 1960s were. The general attitude in the 1960s was very lax and a time of rebeling. Rebeling against almost anything ranging from your parents to the government.

"Oh no, Mrs. Robinson. I think, I think you're the most attractive of all my parents' friends. I mean that." -Ben
The acting was hilarious especially by Dustin Hoffman who acted out Ben Braddock. Many quotes by Ben including the one above really keeps the viewer wanting to see what he will say next. Ben has a socially awkward personality and often said things that didn't necessarily fit in.
The movie ends on a funny, happy note. Ben finds Elain at the church and begs her to come to him. Elain, makes a rather rash decision, and chooses to run after him out of the church. They get on a bus unsure of were it will lead, unsure of were their lives will go next, but they knew one thing for sure that they would go together.

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